


Dr. Md. Nur Hossain Bhuiyan is known as one of the most expert surgeons doing Gastro-Intestinal Surgery and Minimal Access Surgery in Chittagong. He carries out almost all the major Upper GI procedures either by Laparoscopic or Open approach including cancer surgery. The Upper G. I. Surgery team headed by Dr. Nur Hossain Bhuiyan consists of the most experienced as well as young surgeons in the field of Upper GI and Laparoscopic surgery. His Upper G. I. Surgery team is well known for treating the following disorders:



Benign stomach disorders

          Acid peptic disease

          GERD and Hiatus hernia

          Gastrointestinal stromal tumor

          Gastric volvulus

          Gastric perforation

          Gastric outlet obstruction

Malignant stomach disorders

          Carcinoma stomach


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